Lava Ren Faire - Semi-Random Definition of Art Generator
While studying art, I have encountered many different ways in defining what it is. I have always thought of art creation as a relationship between looking, creating, thinking. There are so many ways of creating and expressing ideas, that art definitions can vary wildly.
I started working on this a while ago, because it made me smile. I ran across a javascript that randomly selects from options recorded. I have used this javascript to randomize images and text.
I started recording little snippets of art definitions; some serious and some not so much. I then started breaking up the parts and added them to the code. It was a fun project.
Every now and then I will add a few more phrases to the code. I like to bring up the Defintion of Art Generator every now and then and see what it says. I am still surprised sometimes.
The Semi-Random Definition of Art Generator is located in my portfolio page. It also is below in this blog post.
The image below is a blind contour drawing that I painted with water color and then drew over the blind contour in ink. A blind contour is a drawing where you look at the subject without looking at the paper while you are drawing. It is fun to see how they turn out.
Please post a favorite definition below in the comments.
Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it!
The random art definition generator is so much fun. Reading the different definitions gave me a chuckle! Great work!
If world-famous museums linger in a master framework looking for a cure to the existential crisis plaguing millions, a banal alternative play synthasizing cultural myths and advertising-culture into a circus of post-modernity works towards presenting a definition of art.