Trinity Tree of Life
acrylic on canvas
12" x 12" x 1.5"
Trinity Tree of Life was inspired by the hymn: Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord
This painting represents the Trinity and the many graces of God. The first line of the hymn sets the tone: 'Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord, with all Your graces now outpoured.' The background features abstract yellow and blue hues. The painting depicts Jesus, crucified as the Tree of Life, ascending. The rainbow, a complete circle, symbolizes God's covenant never to destroy the world again by a global flood and serves as a reminder of our baptism. The Holy Spirit is shown descending upon the world as a dove, reflecting the moment of Jesus’ baptism.
The painting was selected to be featured in the Fifth Biennial Exhibition of Sacred Art at The Good Shepherd Institute of Pastoral Theology and Sacred Music for the Church, an Institute of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne (CTSFW)
Exhibit Dates: October 31, 2024–January 31, 2025