Wandering with a glass of water

It all started last week when I was looking at a glass from across the table. I noticed the drops of water on the side of the glass looked like a face smiling at me. I decided to take a picture. While I was taking picture, I saw the background changing through the glass and water. I decided then that I needed to go wandering with a glass of water to see what I would see.

Walking with my glass of water through the neighborhood, focused my attention. I needed to be careful of my steps as I was looking through the glass. I also needed to resist my natural impulse to drink the water in my cup. Whenever I have a glass of water, I tend to drink it. Sometimes I would stop and bring out my phone's camera to take a picture. My phone camera was less cumbersome when combined with holding a glass of water.
The glass of water surprisingly didn't seem too out of place. I have seen people walking around with a cell phone in a similar way to how I was walking around with my glass of water. A cell phone or camera can work as a lens or filter just like a glass glass of water. You can walk around with your device looking closer at certain details. These devices can also give one a diversion from the environment around. While I am walking, I enjoy observing birds, trees and changes around while conversing with others. Walking with a glass of water creates a much more solitary experience and required focus. I was not able to just enjoy walking, but it did give me a different view.
I liked how sometimes the horizon was repeated both in the water and above in the glass. I was interested how sometimes an image stretched while other times the image stretched. I took over a hundred pictures. I am sharing a few below.